Tour this famed garden designer’s English spring garden

The spring garden of gardening doyenne Rosemary Alexander is a perfect example of her ethos of marrying the practical with the romantic.

The one acre garden of Sandhill Farm House is set around the pretty 17th-century farmhouse, and when Rosemary moved there in 2000, presented the perfect blank canvas. 

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New Englanders Favor Classic Designs

Sat Feb 5 , 2022
When asked for a portrait of their ‘typical client,’ New England-based designers paint a diverse picture. “Affluent professionals in higher-end neighborhoods and homes north of Boston through southern New Hampshire and Maine” are Danvers, MA-based Heartwood Kitchens’ bread and butter, according to owner and managing member Mike Serafino. “Family oriented […]
New Englanders Favor Classic Designs

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